Industrial Greases

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COPPER ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND is a lead-free compound for threaded connections of pipes, flanges and threaded fasteners subjected to high temperatures and / or corrosive environments. The compound overcomes galling on assembly and greatly reduces dismantling torque. It is suitable for use as an anti-seize up to 11000C and protects against seizure in conditions of high corrosion and chemical attack.Suitable as an anti-seize compound for a wide range of aggressive conditions, which include applying to pipe fittings and valves in the chemical and petrochemical industry, gas refining and for oil drilling equipment.

LITHIUM 0 EP is a premium quality semi-fluid grease designed for centralized lubrication systems. Suitable for anti-friction and plain bearings subjected to high load conditions. Lithium 0 EP can also be used for gearboxes designed to operate with a semi-fluid slumping grease.

LITHIUM 00 EP is a premium quality semi-fluid grease designed for centralised lubrication systems. Suitable for anti-friction and plain bearings subjected to high load conditions. Lithium 00 EP can also be used for gearboxes designed to operate with a semi-fluid slumping grease.

LITHIUM 000 EP is a premium quality semi-fluid grease designed for centralised lubrication systems. Suitable for anti-friction and plain bearings subjected to high load conditions. Lithium 000 EP can also be used for gearboxes designed to operate with a semi-fluid slumping grease.

LITHIUM COMPLEX EP2 is a premium quality multi-purpose lithium complex grease for lubricating all anti-friction and plain bearings for use in industrial and automotive applications. This highly adhesive grease has shown exceptional performance providing extended lubrication intervals, even under arduous conditions and over wide operating temperature range.


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LITHIUM COMPLEX EP2 MOLY is a specially developed lithium complex grease fortified with molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) solid film lubricant for applications where the grease is required to cope with extreme and arduous conditions, such as high loads, shock loading, wet and temperature extremes. This grease is designed for plain as well as anti-friction bearings, its high load carrying capacity make this grease ideal for CV joints and as a chuck grease.


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LITHIUM COMPLEX EP2 PTFE is a premium quality lithium complex grease fortified with PTFE solid film lubricant, designed for use where applications are subject to extreme and arduous conditions, such as high loads, shock loading, wet and temperature extremes.

LITHIUM EP2 is a premium quality multi-purpose grease for use in all anti-friction and plain bearings subjected to high load conditions. Used extensively for applications throughout industry and the automotive sector.

LITHIUM MOLY is a premium quality multi-purpose grease for use in all anti-friction bearings subjected to high load conditions. The incorporation of molybdenum disulphide imparts a high degree of wear protection against load, shock loading and dusty environments. Used extensively for applications throughout industry and the automotive sector.

PIN & BUSH GREASE is a tenacious grease designed for heavy duty applications where adhesion, shock loading and good corrosion protection is needed. It has been proven ideal for use on bucket pins on heavy earth moving equipment, 5th wheels, crane slews etc. Also suitable for use as an assembly and running in compound.