Spindle Oils

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SPINDLE OIL - ISO 10 is a premium quality, light viscosity lubricants developed primarily for use in various types of high-speed machine tool spindles, to effectively lubricate horizontal, vertical, bed type and turret type CNC milling machines, and for use in low pressure hydraulic systems where this type of product is specified.


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SPINDLE OIL - ISO 15 is a premium quality, light viscosity lubricants developed primarily for use in various types of high-speed machine tool spindles, to effectively lubricate horizontal, vertical, bed type and turret type CNC milling machines, and for use in low pressure hydraulic systems where this type of product is specified.

SPINDLE OIL - ISO 2 is a premium quality, light viscosity lubricants developed primarily for use in various types of high-speed machine tool spindles, to effectively lubricate horizontal, vertical, bed type and turret type CNC milling machines, and for use in low pressure hydraulic systems where this type of product is specified.


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SPINDLE OIL - ISO 22 is a premium quality, light viscosity lubricants developed primarily for use in various types of high-speed machine tool spindles, to effectively lubricate horizontal, vertical, bed type and turret type CNC milling machines, and for use in low pressure hydraulic systems where this type of product is specified.

SPINDLE OIL - ISO 5 is a premium quality, light viscosity lubricants developed primarily for use in various types of high-speed machine tool spindles, to effectively lubricate horizontal, vertical, bed type and turret type CNC milling machines, and for use in low pressure hydraulic systems where this type of product is specified.