Soluble Grinding Fluids

Product Finder

MULTIGRIND BS is a multi-functional, semi-synthetic metal process fluid which produces a translucent micro emulsion when diluted in water. Formulated as a true rationalisation product, it will perform in a wide range of applications, and incorporates the latest non-staining performance additives to ensure complete multi-metal compatibility. When mixed with water it produces a micro emulsion which allows for excellent visibility for the machine operator, and has a low foaming tendency which allows for use in the most arduous modern day machining centres.

MULTIGRIND SX FF is a fully synthetic, formaldehyde release biocide free, watermix grinding fluid suitable for surface and cylindrical grinding. Multigrind SX FF can be used to grind all ferrous and non-ferrous materials including yellow metals, gives superb low foam performance and has an extremely long service life and does not give sticky residues around the machine tool during use.Multigrind SX FF contains a polymer based lubricity additive to give enhanced grinding performance.

SARGRIND CG PLUS is a very high quality, fully synthetic soluble grinding fluid primarily designed to provide exceptional performance when grinding and regrinding using tungsten carbide tooling. Designed to prevent the leaching of potentially harmful cobalt from the tungsten carbide into the solution, to ensure extended fluid life and tool life and a safer operator environment.