Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils

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FLEETLUBE 10W-30 is a multigrade engine oil suitable for use in both petrol and diesel engines.

FLEETLUBE 10W-40 is a mixed fleet engine oil suitable for use in both petrol and diesel engines.

FLEETLUBE 15W-40 engine oil is designed to meet the requirements of both turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines. Manufactured from high quality mineral base oils incorporating high performance viscosity index improvers, anti-oxidant, anti-wear and detergent dispersant additives for extended engine life.

FLEETLUBE 20W-50 engine oil is designed to meet the requirements of both turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE HD 15W-40 engine oil is designed to meet the requirements of turbocharged / naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE 10 is a monograde engine oil designed to meet the requirements of many naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE 20 is a monograde engine oil designed to meet the requirements of many naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE 30 is a monograde engine oil designed to meet the requirements of many naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE 40 is a monograde engine oil designed to meet the requirements of many naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETLUBE 50 is a monograde engine oil designed to meet the requirements of many naturally aspirated diesel and petrol engines.

FLEETSTAR 15W-40 is a long life, heavy duty diesel engine oil ideally suited for long haul and mixed fleet operators. Designed to provide maximum protection under the most demanding conditions, it is a blend of highly refined solvent mineral oils, viscosity index improvers, pour point depressants and the latest technology in additive systems.


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FLEETSTAR PERFORMANCE PLUS 10W-30 is formulated to meet the requirements of today's high performance, emission-controlled, heavy-duty diesel engines. The fuel-efficient, semi synthetic formulation is especially suitable for vehicles equipped with after-treatment systems which require a low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus & Sulphur) engine oil.


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FLEETSTAR PERFORMANCE PLUS 15W-40 is formulated to meet the requirements of today's high performance, emission-controlled, heavy-duty diesel engines. The modern, semi synthetic formulation is especially suitable for vehicles equipped with after-treatment systems which require a low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus & Sulphur) engine oil.


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FLEETSTAR PREMIUM 15W-40 is one of the latest generation of heavy-duty diesel engine oils designed to provide maximum protection under the most demanding conditions for engines which do not require a lows SAPS lubricant, and is a blend of highly refined solvent mineral oils, viscosity index improvers, pour point depressants and the latest technology in additive systems.


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FLUSHING OIL - AUTOMOTIVE is formulated from specially selected solvent-refined mineral oils together with an enhanced detergent package, and is suitable for most automotive applications.

MARINER 30 is a high quality marine diesel engine oil, formulated primarily for high output, medium speed trunk piston diesel engines.

MARINER 40 is a high quality marine diesel engine oil, formulated primarily for high output, medium speed trunk piston diesel engines.


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RUNNING-IN OIL SAE 30 is designed to be used for the short-term running-in of new or reconditioned diesel and petrol engines.


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SYNMAX OMEGA XFE 5W-30 is a full synthetic, fuel efficient, low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) heavy duty diesel engine oil designed for the latest generation of heavy duty diesel engines.


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SYNMAX ORION FE 5W-30 is a full synthetic, fuel efficient, low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) heavy duty diesel engine oil designed for the latest generation of heavy duty diesel engines.


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SYNMAX PERSEUS 10W-40 is a very high performance, full synthetic, low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) heavy duty diesel engine oil formulated for use in Euro 4, Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines.


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SYNMAX SCORPIO 10W-40 is a high performance, full synthetic, low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) heavy duty diesel engine oil formulated for use in Euro 4, Euro 5 and many Euro 6 engines.

TURBOPLUS 10W-40 is a heavy-duty semi-synthetic engine oil designed to meet the requirements of fleets operating across the full spectrum of vehicle types. Suitable for both diesel and petrol engines which do NOT require a low SAPS lubricant.