Chain Lube Aerosol

Chain Lube Aerosol
An excellent lubricant for medium and heavily loaded chain drives. It is suitable for a wide range of temperatures and contains anti fling compounds and tacky lubricant additives to prevent it being easily thrown off during use. Formulated with PTFE solid lubricant to promote long-lasting performance and is O Ring Safe.
Operating temperature range -300C to +1800C, with occasional peak to +2000C
Pack Size
500ml aerosol in box of 12
Health & Safety
Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet, freely available, for product handling and disposal advice. Please note that the SDS includes handling, storage, health and disposal information which should be passed on to anyone else who comes in contact with our product. Additional advice can also be obtained from your local representative.
NOTE: Read and understand all precautions on container labels before using this product.